Robert Garcia
Growing up in the Filipino countryside, nature has been the primary subject of Robert Garcia's artwork from an early age. He immigrated to Manitoba in 2014 and has been capturing the local landscape ever since. Garcia first exhibited his artwork in 2021 Neepawa’s Makers and has since been exhibiting throughout rural Manitoba. He continues to paint his surrounding landscape with the goal of depicting the beauty of nature through brushes and paints.
Sofia Goswin
Land, water and sky all grounds me and make me happy. They are also a reoccurring theme in my painting practise. The inspiration and joy I get from being out in nature ends up on my canvases. I play with colour and create with mixed media and acrylic paint. The process becomes a dance of endless possibilities.
Brittney Wood
Brittney Wood is a member of the Anishinabe First Nation, residing in the Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve 292. She works in child development and is training for Cartier Equine Assisted Learning. She has been developing her art practice from a young age, when she began drawing with her brother. While her indigenous culture seeps into her work, Wood is inspired by a wide array of subject matter and cultures. She is interested in the desecration of the natural world and the contrasting beauty of the skies.
Deep Waters
Megan Krause, Kristin Nelson, Tracy Peters, and Diana Throneycroft.
Curated by Lindsay Inglis
Every year, several artists come to Clear Lake for an artists' residency at Deep Bay. While artistic mediums vary drastically, what these artists have in common is their connection to Clear Lake. Deep Waters showcases four of these artists, including Megan Krause, Kristin Nelson, Tracy Peters and Diana Thorneycroft. All artists have been inspired by the surrounding landscape. Both Krause and Nelson are interested in our impact on the environment, with a particular interest in the lake's water. Peters' photographs captures the movement of leaves falling in autumn, and Thorneycroft uses the environment as a set for her dark fairy tale with mutant creatures.